Course: Learn Java Programming


Learn Java Programming

Text lesson

Difference Between Java and C++

In this lesson, you will learn

  • Difference b/w Java and C++


Difference b/w Java and C++

Java and C++ are both powerful, object-oriented programming languages, but they have some key differences in terms of syntax, memory management, platform dependence, and other features.

Here are some of the main differences between Java and C++:


S.N Feature Java C++
1. Memory Management Automatic garbage collection Manual memory allocation and deallocation
2. Platform Dependence Platform-independent (WORA principle) Platform-dependent
3. Syntax and Features Simpler syntax and lacks pointers More complex syntax and support pointers
4. Object-Oriented Purely object-oriented Supports both procedural and OOP
5. Exception Handling Robust with try, catch, finally Supports try, catch, throw
6. Threading Built-in support for multithreading Supports multithreading, platform-specific
7. Standard Libraries Rich set of standard libraries Standard Template Library (STL)
8. Compilation Compiled to bytecode (JVM required) Compiled to machine code
9. Operator Overloading Not Supported Supported
10. Multiple Inheritance Achieved through interfaces Supports multiple inheritance
11. Pointers No explicit pointers Supports explicit pointers
12. Default Values All member variables have default values No default values for member variables
13. Header Files No header files Uses header files for declarations
14. Memory Model Reference-based memory model Simpler syntax lacks pointers
Summary of the difference b/w Java and C++


In the next lesson, you will learn how the Architecture of Java.





End of the lesson….enjoy learning


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